French 302                                                                                            Office: 205 Jastak-Burgess Hall

Dr. Deborah Steinberger                                                                        Phone: 831-2044

Spring 2006                                                                                           E-mail:

Hours: TR 2-3pm 




Texts: Schofer, Rice, Berg, Poèmes, Pièces, Prose (Oxford)

          A good, hefty French-English dictionary, such as the Harper Collins Robert.

          Also suggested:

A French-French dictionary (e.g. Le Micro Robert)

La Conjugaison (Larousse) or any other conjugation handbook

J. Morton, English Grammar for Students of French


Requirements: French 302 is a discussion class: therefore, preparation, attendance and participation are extremely important.  If the number of unexcused absences exceeds three, the student's final participation grade will be lowered ten points for each additional absence.  Because persistent lateness is disruptive and counterproductive, three late arrivals will count as one unexcused absence.

Students who know they will have to be absent on a given day should be sure to give the instructor advance notice.  Please do not schedule medical appointments or job interviews during class time. Students who have missed a class are responsible for checking assigned homework on WebCT, and contacting a classmate to find out what was covered (phone/e-mail lists will be distributed early in the semester for this purpose).  Since e-mail will be used for course announcements, all students are required to activate their university e-mail accounts if they have not already done so, and to check their mail regularly.  If you do not normally use your address, please arrange to have your university mail forwarded to the account you are using. 

All assignments are to be turned in at the start of class on the day they are due.  Please DO NOT SKIP CLASS or come late just because your paper is not ready!!!  If you are having exceptional difficulties completing it (computer problems, no time to proofread, etc.), AND you notify me of this in class, alternate arrangements may be made. I DO NOT accept assignments sent as e-mail attachments.

Written work for the course must be word-processed, double-spaced, computer spell-checked, and thoroughly proofread.  Programs with French accents and French spell-checkers are available at the Foreign Language Media Center in the basement of Jastak-Burgess Hall.  No credit will be given for work which has not been carefully proofread. I mean it!

VERY IMPORTANT: In accordance with University and departmental policy, academic dishonesty including plagiarism will result in an F for the course and a permanent stain on your academic record. In your writing it is absolutely essential that you make it clear where your ideas end and those of another begin.  I have strict guidelines for peer-editing: please check with me before asking someone else to correct your work.  The use of online translators for anything beyond an occasional word or two constitutes plagiarism and is strictly prohibited: use your dictionary.  If you have any questions about documenting your sources, including online sources, please consult the MLA guidelines (available at, as well as on our course WebCT site).


Students taking this course for Honors credit have extra requirements:

1)      One group oral project on the Fables de La Fontaine;

2)      One individual oral and written (4 pp.) poetry project: an explication of a poem of their choice, to be presented during an Honors section meeting;

3)      One additional play, chosen by the instructor, which will be discussed during an Honors section meeting and analyzed in a 3-4 page reaction paper.


Composition de la note:


Participation, préparation (lectures, devoirs)                                20%

Deux analyses écrites (500 mots chacune)                                  20%                                         Explication de texte (5 pp.)                                                  15%

Interrogations/exercices de vocabulaire                                       10%

Examen “midterm”                                                                    15%

Examen final                                                                             20%


Français 302: Programme d'études (à titre indicatif)


mardi 7 février, jeudi 9 février               Introduction au cours; textes modèles ; Ronsard


mardi 14 février, jeudi 16 février                       Ronsard


mardi 21 février, jeudi 23 février                       La Fontaine

A rendre le 28 février: explication de texte


mardi 28 février, jeudi 2 mars                            Hugo


mardi 7 mars, jeudi 9 mars                                Baudelaire                               


mardi 14 mars, jeudi 16 mars                            Baudelaire/Rimbaud


mardi 21 mars                                                  MIDTERM


jeudi 23 mars                                                    Molière


mardi 28 mars, jeudi 30 mars                            VACANCES DE PRINTEMPS                                             

mardi 4 avril, jeudi 6 avril                                  Molière


mardi 11 avril, jeudi 13 avril                              Molière

                                                                        A rendre le 18 avril : analyse I


mardi 18 avril, jeudi 20 avril                              Racine

                                                                        A rendre le 4 mai: analyse II


mardi 25 avril, jeudi 27 avril                              Racine


mardi 2 mai, jeudi 4 mai                                    Racine/Anouilh


mardi 9 mai, jeudi 11 mai                                 Anouilh


mardi 16 mai                                                    Conclusion