
"L'éloge de la féminité: Le Nègre et l'amiral," to be submitted to The French Review by September 2003.

"Les Trois Mousquetaires ou le mythe littéraire" to be submitted to Nineteenth-Century French Studies by March 2003.

"Jeux de miroirs dans la poésie de Colin Muset."  Murmure 6 (Spring 1999): 85-95.


"Buveurs, mangeurs et bretteurs : Les Trois Mousquetaires ou l'identité dionysienne."  The Nineteenth Century French Study Colloquium, October 26, 2002, the Ohio State University.

"Les Trois Mousquetaires ou le microcosme républicain," The Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures in May 2002.

"'Res Publica': The Political Vindication in The Three Musketeers," the Michigan Academy, Central Michigan University, March 8, 2002.  Abstract published in the Michigan Academician, Volume 33, in May 2002.

"Jeux de miroirs dans la poésie de Colin Muset."  Penn State French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, The Pennsylvania State University, February 1999.

Teaching and Research Interests

19th century prose and poetry
Alexandre Dumas
Popular literature
Adventure novels
Myth and literary myth
Reader reception
Book history