Chin107 final oral skit

In this skit a group of friends organize and throw a house warming party. The following is a rough sketch of what the basic contents need to be:

·         The move/the new place: when and why was the move? How is the new place?

·         The party: how is the place organized? who are coming? Who are the hosts? What do you plan to do? Make sure you observe the greeting/gift exchanging/small talk etiquettes, etc

·         The food: what food/beverage do you have for the party? Please talk about food/beverage preferences, dietary restrictions, etc.

·         Directions to the party: some of the guests will have trouble locating the party. Please give them directions.

The skit is scheduled on Monday, Dec 6th during the class. Please make sure you email me the script no later than 5Pm, Sunday, Dec 5th. In addition to the above basic contents, each member of the group will be given a spontaneous part to play right before the performance. For example, the additional part can be about dating and/or seeing a doctor. You will be given 5 minutes to work things out among the group members.

Please remember that you need to come up with a story/plot for your skit. That means, you need a beginning, middle and end for your performance. You presentation will be evaluated based on the skit performance rubric available on my website.