Please remember to keep information about the exams secure.  If you print a copy to review, please do not leave it where students are likely to see it.  Similarly, please be careful about discussing the exam.   As you know, it's very important to guarantee that the exams not be compromised in any way.

Please send your comments by e-mail only prior to the deadline listed.  Everyone teaching the course is encouraged to participate.  What kinds of things should you be looking for?  Anything that seems ambiguous, poorly worded or potentially confusing to our students.

Please do not send a list of minor typos.  I do not print the exam directly from the secure site.  Instead, I always retype the exam and then proofread it.  However, if you are unsure if something is a typo or an actual error, please don't hesitate to let me know about it.

By the way, if any of you are willing to occasionally help me proofread, please let me know.

Chapter 5
Comments due by:  Friday, February 20th @ 6 pm

Chapter 6
Comments due by: Tuesday, March 16th @ 6 pm

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Reading Exam

Final Exam