Nicolas P.-Gross   CMLT/ENGL/FLLT 202
 Smith 439    Biblical & Classical Literature
 Ext.-(831) 2039 or 2592
The Holy Bible (Meridian bks) 
The Odyssey, Homer 
Greek Tragedies, vol. 1 
Aristophanes, Three Comedies 
Vergil, Aeneid 
Ovid, Metamorphoses 
Petronius, Satyricon 
xerox packet* 

(tr.) R. Fitzgerald (ed.) 
Grene & Lattimore (=gk. tr.) 
(ed.) W. Arrowsmith 
(tr.) Guy Lee 
(tr.) C. Day Lewis 
(tr.) Rolfe Humphries 
(tr.) Arrowsmith

Readings  Lecture topics
Old Testament & The Ancient World                     Genesis pp. 9-12; Exodus pp. 55-87;
        Job pp. 442-465; Psalm 23 (p. 473),
        Psalm 121 (p. 515), Jonah pp. 724-725
  Archaic World View; change & continuity : Homeric Epic  Odyssey bks.-6, 8, 9, 10, 11;  pp.-319-320;  p. 387,
     p. 401-411, pp. 429-437.
 Introduction to tragedy    
         Prometheus, knowledge vs.-power
Aeschylus, Prometheus (gk. tr.)
 Prometheus, the Firebearer  
        Moira, apportionment
        Oresteia, change and continuity
 Aeschylus, Agamemnon, (gk. tr.)
 Oedipus' responsibility, 
         Oedipus, the sacrifice                
         Spheres, human and divine
  Sophocles, Oedipus (gk. tr.)  
      Antigone (gk. tr.)
 Advent of the irrational:  
        Darkness in the Enlightenment
 Euripides, Hippolytus (gk. tr.)
Aristophanes, Clouds  
        Old education vs. New education
Aristophanes, Clouds
  Theocritus (Hellenistic) Simaetha; (handout)
 Catullus, A Roman Love Poet    Catullus 1,2,3,5,7,8,10,11,13,
 Vergil; the reality of Empire    Aeneid bk 1 pp.13-19, bks.-2
                           4, 6, 8, 12
  Ovid, a poet between two worlds Ovid, Metamorphoses
     bk 1, pp. 54-56, 83-87,119-127, bk 6, pp. 181-190
     200-208, 234-237 243-261, 320-334
 Petronius, barrenness of Empire  Petronius, Dinner with Trimalchio (Arrowsmith)
Pagan and Christian in an age of anxiety N.-T.,-St.-Luke

 xerox packet should include:

 1) outlines of lectures and questionnaires of readings.

 student work: classs room discussion; 1 hour exam, 1 paper (approx. 10 pages
 double spaced, typed), final exam