(Last revised March 2004)



Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literatures Office Phone (302) 831-0439

University of Delaware E-mail address:

Newark, DE 19716-2550


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ph.D. Spanish, l98l

M.A. Spanish, l972

B.S. Secondary Education of Spanish

Minor in French and Ibero-American Studies, l971

Summer Studies

Toluca, Mexico Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, l967


Associate Professor with Tenure, University of Delaware, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, September 2003

Assistant Professor, Tenure-track, University of Delaware, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1998-2003

Assistant Professor, Non Tenure-track, University of Delaware, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 1993-1998

Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, Department of Romance Languages & Classics, l983-l986

Instructor, University of Southern California Program in Madrid, Spring l986

Instructor, St. Lawrence University Program in Madrid, Fall, l985

Instructor, The Ohio State University, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, l980-l983
COURSES TAUGHT University of Delaware

Graduate level: The Mexican Revolution and Beyond; Narrating Identity in Spanish American Literature; Exile and the Creative Writer in Latin America; The Child in Contemporary Latin American Literature; Masters of the Spanish American Short Story; Twentieth Century Spanish American Literature: The Fantastic, Magical Realism, and the Marvelous Real.

Undergraduate level: Survey of Spanish American Literature I & II, Latin American Civilization, Spanish Reading and Composition, Spanish Grammar and Composition, Spanish Conversation, Oral Communication in Spanish, Political Exile and the Creative Writer in Latin America, The Child in Contemporary Latin American Literature, Masters of the Spanish American Short Story, Argentine Literature in Translation, Intermediate Spanish, Intensive Portuguese for Spanish Speakers, Elementary Portuguese (Faculty Language Program).

University of Alabama Spanish American Novel to 1920 (graduate level), Spanish American Poetry to Rubén Darío (graduate level), Intermediate Spanish, Elementary and intermediate Portuguese University of Southern California Program in Madrid

Spanish language and Peninsular literature

St. Lawrence University Program in Madrid

Contemporary Latin American literature

The Ohio State University Elementary and intermediate Spanish, Hispanic culture, Advanced conversation in Spanish,

Supervision and coordination of intermediate Spanish courses


Argentina-- Co-director of University of Delaware’s first winter program in Argentina, 2001

Spain--Director of University of Delaware summer study abroad program in Granada, 1998

Teaching and residence in Madrid, l985-86

Junior Year Abroad in Madrid, l969-70

Travel in l971, 1975, yearly travel since 1987

Brazil--Graduate study in Rio de Janeiro, l977-l979

Summer study in Salvador, Bahia, l974; Travel to all regions of Brazil

France--Summer study in Tours, l970, and Avignon, l972

Mexico—Summer study in Toluca, l967, Travel in l971, l975, 1990, 1991, and 1997


General University Research Grant, University of Delaware, 2000-2001



Mothers, Lovers, and Others: The Short Stories of Julio Cortázar. SUNY Press Series in Latin American and Iberian Thought and Culture. 2004.

Conversation in Spanish: Points of Departure. Sixth edition. Co-authored with Frank Sedwick. Heinle & Heinle, 2001.

"The Children's Revolt Against Structures of Repression in Cristina Peri Rossi's La rebelión de los niños [The rebellion of the children]." College Literature Fall/October 1998 (25.3): 145-162.

"Writing/ Fantasizing/ Desiring the Maternal Body in 'Deshoras' and 'Historias que me cuento' by Julio Cortázar." Latin American Literary Review 25.49 (Jan-June 1997): 7-23.

Pedagogical Unit
"De Buenos Aires a París: los cuentos de Julio Cortázar y la reformulación de su identidad cultural," Thirteenth Congress of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Madrid, June, 1998.

"All in the Family: Psychoanalytic Politics in the Short Stories of Cristina Peri Rossi," Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Nashville, Tennessee, November, 1997.

"Escaping to Paris through the Stories of Julio Cortázar" at 19th Mediterranean Conference. Paris/Bordeaux, July 1997.

"The Lure of the Preoedipal Mother in the Stories of Julio Cortázar" at Fourteenth International Conference in Literature and Psychology, Avila, Spain, July 1997.

"Family Ties in the Short Stories of Julio Cortázar: A Psychoanalytic Approach," at Latin American Studies Association XX International Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 1997.

"The Mother's Desire/ the Mother's Despair in 'La salud de los enfermos' and 'Cartas de mamá' by Julio Cortázar," at State University of West Georgia International Conference on Despair and Desire in Literature and the Visual Arts, Atlanta, October 1996.

"The Children's Revolt Against Structures of Repression in Cristina Peri Rossi's La rebelión de los niños" at the West Chester University Foreign Language Conference, The Politics of Language, Literature and the Mass Media, West Chester, PA, October 1996.

"Rewriting Women in Cortázar's 'Cambio de luces' and 'Queremos tanto a Glenda' " at The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting, San Diego, August 1995.

"The Maternal Figure as Object of Desire in the Short Stories of Julio Cortázar" at Latin American Studies Association XIX International Congress, Washington, D.C, September 1995.

"Antes que anochezca by Reinaldo Arenas: Sexual and Political Dissidence in Castro's Cuba" at Redefining Culture(s) for the 21st Century, The West Chester University Foreign Languages Conference, October 1994.

Lecture-Presentation for Department of Spanish and Latin American Cultures, Barnard College. December 3, 2001. "¿Qué es lo que quiere Luciana? Rescatando el deseo femenino en 'Cambio de luces' de Julio Cortázar."

Lecture for the Women's Studies "Research on Women" fall 1999 lecture series, September 22, 1999. "Images of Motherhood in the Stories of Argentine Writer Julio Cortázar."

Lecture at the University of San Diego, April 16, 1999. "The Evolving Role of Paris in the Literary Production of Julio Cortázar: Eurocentrism vs. Postmodernism."

Guest speaker for the Sigma Delta Phi initiation ceremony, Temple University, April 1998. "El papel cambiante de París en la obra cuentística cortazareana, o ¿es Julio Cortázar un posmoderno?"

Project Director, "Buenos Aires: A Tale of Two Cities. Mapping the New Reality through Poetry and Photography." An Exhibition of Poetry and Photography and a Speaker’s Forum about Crisis and Change in Latin America. October 2003

Director, Latin American Studies Program

Hispanic and Latin American Council Member, 2003

Awards Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2002

Judge for Rosenberry Award for Undergraduate Writing, 1999

Faculty Member, Latin American Studies Program, 1998-2002

Director, Summer Session Study Abroad Program in Granada, Spain 1998

Faculty advisor for Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honorary society, 1999-present

Convener and Member, Committee to reevaluate Hispanic civilization and culture course courses, 2001

Member of Departmental Executive Committee, 2000, 2002-2004.

Chair, Faculty Research Grant Committee, spring 1992

Renovations Committee, fall 1991

Community Service

Bi-National Urban Plunge (Community service experience in collaboration with Universidad Iberoamericana in Tijuana, Mexico), Organizer and participant, 1991

Third Bi-National Urban Plunge, Participant, 1992