How Triggers
Work Using
Triggers to Maintain Referential Integrity

Transact-SQL User's Guide

Creating Triggers

A trigger is a database object. When you create a trigger, you specify the table and the data modification commands that should "fire" or activate the trigger. Then, you specify the action(s) the trigger is to take.

For example, this trigger prints a message every time anyone tries to insert, delete, or update data in the titles table:

create trigger t1 
on titles
for insert, update, delete
print "Now modify the titleauthor table the same way."
Note: Except for the trigger named deltitle, the triggers discussed in this chapter are not included in the pubs2 database shipped with Adaptive Server. To work with the examples shown in this chapter, create each trigger example by typing in the create trigger statement. Each new trigger for the same operation insert, update or delete on a table or column overwrites the previous one without warning, and old triggers are dropped automatically.

create trigger Syntax

Here is the complete create trigger syntax:

create trigger [owner.]trigger_name 
on [owner.]table_name
{for {insert , update , delete}
as SQL_statements

Or, using the if update clause:

create trigger [owner.]trigger_name 
on [owner.]table_name
for {insert , update}
[if update (column_name)
[{and | or} update (column_name)]...]
[if update (column_name)
[{and | or} update (column_name)]...

The create clause creates the trigger and names it. A trigger's name must conform to the rules for identifiers.

The on clause gives the name of the table that activates the trigger. This table is sometimes called the trigger table.

A trigger is created in the current database, although it can reference objects in other databases. The owner name that qualifies the trigger name must be the same as the one in the table. No one except the table owner can create a trigger on a table. If the table owner is given with the table name in the create trigger clause or the on clause, it must also be specified in the other clause.

The for clause specifies which data modification commands on the trigger table activate the trigger. In the earlier example, an insert, update, or delete to titles makes the message print.

The SQL statements specify trigger conditions and trigger actions. Trigger conditions specify additional criteria that determine whether the insert, delete, or update will cause the trigger actions to be carried out. You group multiple trigger actions in an if clause with begin and end.

An if update clause tests for an insert or update to a specified column. For updates, the if update clause evaluates to true when the column name is included in the set clause of an update statement, even if the update does not change the value of the column. Do not use the if update clause with delete. You can specify more than one column, and you can use more than one if update clause in a create trigger statement. Since you specify the table name in the on clause, do not use the table name in front of the column name with if update.

SQL Statements That Are Not Allowed in Triggers

Since triggers execute as part of a transaction, the following statements are not allowed in a trigger:

After Creating a Trigger

After you create a trigger, the source text describing the trigger is stored in the text column of the syscomments system table. In previous releases of SQL Server, users often deleted the source text from syscomments, in order to save disk space and remove confidential information from this public area. Do not remove this information from syscomments; doing so can cause problems for future upgrades of Adaptive Server. Instead, encrypt the text in syscomments by using the sp_hidetext system procedure, described in the Adaptive Server Reference Manual. For more information, see "Compiled Objects".

How Triggers
Work Using
Triggers to Maintain Referential Integrity