Holiday greetings

Best wishes for 1998!

--Kathy Schneider

Best Wishes for the Holiday season and coming year. Another year has passed, and I hope that it was filled with happiness for you and your loved ones. As always, I would enjoy hearing from ELI friends.

--Joe Matterer <>

I hope that 1997 was a good year for each of you and that 1998 brings you much happiness, peace and prosperity! Please keep your cards and letters coming--better yet, come visit us! Warmest wishes,

--Ruth Jackson <>

Thank you to all who have sent letters and notes throughout the year. We would like to hear from many more. Let us know what you're doing and we'll add your address and message to the "Alumni" section of the ELI Home Page. You can send e-messages directly to me at

--Lowell Riethmuller

Dear ELI Friends, It's with regret that I tell you that my son Matt died this year. Though the news is sad, I wish peace and love to us all.

--Janet Louise <>

In 1997, no travel for me, but our daughter Julie excitedly left for college in September. Thank you for your cards and visits, and I wish you success and good health always. Keep in touch.

--Wendy Bulkowski <>

Christmas greetings to all of you! I have many fond memories of the students who have passed through ELI over the years. I hope that this holiday finds all of you healthy, successful and content. Please continue to write and let us know how you are doing.

--Jo Gielow

With 1997 rapidly growing to a close, it's time to wish all of my former students a fantastic holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous 1998. Or as we say in Dixie, "Happy New Year, Y'all."

--Linda Bigler <>

I hope that 1998 finds you in good health, that you grow spiritually and mentally, that you put your emotions to good use and that you continue to use your English to enrich yourself and others.

--Patrick S. J. Ruffin <>

Season's greetings! I hope 1997 was a fruitful year for you. I would love to hear from you.

--Patience Phillips <>


I've been having fun studying journalism and video production.Thanks for your mail and photos. I remember you fondly and wish you all good health and peace in 1998!

--Barbara Morris <>

I pray that all of you are experiencing peace and joy in your lives. I've had a fantastic year full of growth and change. I'm now living in Wilmington. Come to visit me when you can and have a wonderful new year! Love,

--Lisa Grimsley <>

We have so much to be thankful for this year, for all the wonderful friends we've made from all over the world, and for our wonderful son, Gregory Kalim, who turned 3 in December. Best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy and peaceful year.

--Grant Wolf and Debbie Darrell

This was another great year! Many students still keep in touch. Some of you have even returned to visit! However, many of you have forgotten your last assignment to write to me or e-mail me! (I promise NOT to correct your errors and make you rewrite.) Wishing you a warm and healthy holiday.

--Leslie Criston <>

Happy Holidays to all! I can't believe that this is my fifth holiday season at ELI. I hope that everyone is healthy and happy.

--Anne Shoemaker

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! I hope this newsletter finds everyone in good health and happiness! Take care and enjoy the new year­they go so fast!

--Michelle Kline <>

Happy holidays to everyone! Thank you very much to everyone who has stayed in touch. It has been an interesting year and I appreciate your letters and notes. I hope the New Year brings us all another full round of friends, happiness, and understanding, and that peace grows around you.

--Mary McCloskey <>

Thanks very much for your letters, e-mail notes, calls, and visits! We love hearing from you! Please be sure to include your return address so we can respond. Abby and I wish you joy and peace this holiday season and always!

--Russ Mason <>


Dear old friends, enjoy this holiday season, wherever you are. Remember to find joy and spread it all year long. I'd be overjoyed to hear from you! Peace and love,

--Barbara Gillette <>

Happy Holidays to Everyone! I hope all of my former students have a wonderful holiday season. I miss all of you and hope that we can meet again some day. Please e-mail me soon.

--Susan Edgell <>

Aki, Laurne, and I want to wish each of you a joyous holiday season. We miss you all!!!

--Melody Terasaki

To all of my former students and ELI friends, I want you to know how much fun it's been getting to know you. Hitomi and I have enjoyed our times with you. May your Christmas season be a blessed one!

--Jack Blake

It's amazing to think some of you are basking in the sun while we cope with a Delaware winter. Still, warmest wishes to all for 1998.

--Olive Yazid

Special greetings to everybody who passed through in '97. We are the richer for your visit here. All the best.

--James Slater

The Christmas season represents the constant hope for peace and goodwill for all mankind. I think this hope is universal. Have a wonderful holiday and keep in touch

--Margaret Cassling <>

Wishing all of you a joyful, healthy new year!

--Mary Pat Podgajny

We enjoy the beauty of southwestern Wisconsin and its climate--even the snow-filled winters. Don't forget, Wisconsin is home to the Superbowl champion Green Bay Packers, so it's one of the few places in America where you can buy a genuine cheesehead! We encourage students to visit the area.

--Robert and Michelle Tyvoll

I send my warmest holiday greeting to the ELI staff and faculty, and to all my summer students. Work harder and remember to take the time to celebrate your lives.

--Charlotte Meneses