American Law Institute continues in 2000

The American Law and Legal English Institute (ALLEI) was offered twice in 2000--in January and July. Lawyers, judges and law students from 12 countries took classes and seminars in topics such as American court structure and procedure, contract and commercial law, constitutional law, corporate law, products liability and international law. The classes were taught by attorney Christopher Wolfe, ELI's legal studies coordinator. Additional seminars and professional visits were hosted by several attorneys and judges in Delaware. The legal scholars also visited state and federal courts, law firms and government agencies in Delaware, Washington, D.C. and New York City. While in Washington, the groups took VIP tours of the U.S. Supreme Court and visited the U.S. Capitol and Senate chamber. After completing their studies at ELI, many of the scholars went on to continue their legal studies at American law schools. The law program continues to expand and will be offered again in January and July of 2001.

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