Professional activities of faculty and staff

Through their presentations, publications and leadership, ELI faculty and administrators continued their service to their profession and to the community in 2000.

Leslie Criston, Faculty
Leadership position:
Co-editor, PTE Voices, PennTESOL-East, 1999-2001.

Susan Coakley, Faculty
Leadership position: First Vice President, PennTESOL-East, Fall 2000-Spring 2001.

Jo Gielow, Faculty
Presentation: "Using Independent Study for Multi-level Classes," TESL Canada 2000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada September 29, 2000.

Barbara Gillette, Faculty
Publication: "Review of French Second Language Education in Canada: Empirical Studies by Sharon Lapkin" in the Modern Language Journal, Vol. 84, No.2, 2000. Lisa Grimsley, Faculty Presentation: "Teaching Oral Grammar Communicatively through Popular Films," (with Grant Wolf) TESOL Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention, Vancouver, March 14-18, 2000.

Ruth Jackson, Faculty
Leadership positions: A&S Faculty Senate Admissions and Standing Committee, 1998-2000.
AAUP Steering Committee 2000.

Naomi Migliacci, Faculty
Presentation: "Ouch! Or ESL and the Glass Ceiling," TESOL Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention, Vancouver, March 14-18, 2000.
Leadership Positions: President, PennTESOL-East, 1999-2000.
Chair-Elect, TESOL Video Interest Section, 2000-2001.

Barbara Morris, Faculty
Presentations: "Video Production Projects that Work," (with Erika Heppner, Loyola University) TESOL Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention, Vancouver, March 14-18, 2000.
"Video Production as Mission Impossible," TESOL Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention, Vancouver, March 14-18, 2000.

David Quayle, Orientation Coordinator
Leadership position: Co-editor, PTE Voices, PennTESOL-East, 1999-2001.

Scott Stevens, Director
Presentation: "Teaching English through Drama," Sixth Middle East Technical University International ELT Convention, Ankara, Turkey, May 25-27, 2000.
Publication: "Special considerations: intensive English programs," in M. O'Hara, K. Raftus & J. Stedman (Eds.), NAFSA's Guide to International Student Recruitment., Washington, DC: Association of International Educators.
Leadership Position: Vice President, Consortium of University and College Intensive English Programs (UCIEP), 2000-2002.

Grant Wolf, Faculty
Presentation: "Teaching Oral Grammar Communicatively through Popular Films," (with Lisa Grimsley) TESOL Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention, Vancouver, March 14-18, 2000.

Christopher Wolfe, Legal Studies Coordinator
Presentation: "An American Perspective on Women in Law and Leadership," Simferopol and Sevastopol, Ukraine, International Conference on Women in Law and Leadership, September 1999.

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