Personnel notes
Admissions Counselor Melanie Rehberg received an autographed ELI
T-shirt at the June graduation.
Melanie Rehberg left ELI in June, after receiving
a promotion to the Office of Continuing Education, where she will handle
admissions for their distance learning programs. We were happy for her
success, but sorry to see her leave. Kelly Galvin has succeeded Melanie
as ELI's admissions counselor and is doing a wonderful job in her new
position. Christina Friedlander, work study employee at the ELI for nearly
the past two years, obtained a full time position with Rondstat, Inc.,
and has her first "real" job. Best wishes, Christina! Chris Wolfe, our
legal studies coordinator, received a promotion as a result of a position
reclassification, and we congratulate him for the recognition he has received
for his efforts to develop our legal studies programs.
We were pleased last January to welcome Mary Beth Worrilow and Susan Coakley
to the ranks of our full time faculty. Mary Beth, a summer teacher for
many years, will now grace the ELI with her presence throughout the year.
Susan Coakley quickly got her feet wet coordinating teacher training programs
to much success. Both have proven to be wonderful additions to the faculty.
Ruth Jackson and Kathy Vodvarka both passed their thirteenth year peer
reviews. How fortunate the ELI is to have colleagues with such rich classroom
experience. We said good-bye to Ricka Grollitsch and Karyn Horn, both
of whom landed full time positions in the Colonial School District as
ESL instructors. Ricka and Karyn had taught at the ELI for a number of
years and will be greatly missed. Naomi Migliacci, who made many fine
contributions to our Business ESL and PreMBA program, has left ELI to
complete her doctoral dissertation. Soon we will all be addressing her
as "Dr." Migliacci. Kate Hayne returned home to San Francisco to resume
her teaching there, closer to her family. New faces to ELI classrooms
include Elena Hopkins and Vivian Vischetti. We were also delighted to
welcome back Mary McCloskey, who is now teaching in our ESL program for
the Christina School District.