Graduation 2000With clockwork precision, each eight-week session in the year of the new millennium tick-tocked down to a close with a two-hour graduation ceremony filled with speeches and songs and celebrating the honors won and the certificates earned by more than 500 graduates. "Newark doesn't appear on my map back home," said valedictorian Gloria Alicia Real in April, explaining why, when she left her native Mexico to study in the United States, she didn't really know where she was heading. And yet, she said, "ELI is more like a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly than a school. I would have to spend a half a lifetime traveling," Real said, "to experience all the cultures I have met here." Real's sentiments were echoed in August by co-valedictorian Catherine Khumalo of Swaiziland, who lauded the "unity in diversity" she had discovered at ELI. "We came as individuals," she said, "but ELI made us one. It made us a family."