Overheads for Unit 8--Chapter 11 (Performance-Based Assessment)


OH 1
Performance-Based Assessments: Names and General Format

Common Names

  1. Alternative assessment—connotes what it is not (not paper and pencil)
  2. Authentic assessment—connotes realism and practical application
  3. Performance-based assessment—more useful, according to your text, because:

General Format

  1. Poses a task to be performed (conduct and report an experiment, sing a song, recite a poem, repair an auto, etc.)
  2. Many possible modes of response possible, but essays common
  3. Same basic continuum as essay questions in terms of freedom of response, with restricted-response tasks at one end and extended-response tasks at the other.
  4. No single correct answer
  5. Expert observers must judge quality of performance or product


OH 2
Essay Questions vs. Performance-Based Assessments: Similarities and Differences


  1. High freedom of response, therefore:
    1. Can measure complex, important learning outcomes that other forms cannot
    2. Not efficient for measuring factual knowledge
    3. Scoring is time-consuming
    4. Scoring is unreliable and prone to bias unless great care is taken
  2. Applicable to many subjects
  3. Can be good instructional activities
  4. Sample little of the content domain unless cumulated over a long period


  1. Essay is the more familiar and established form of non-objective assessment
  2. Performance-based assessment became the hot new rage in the 1990’s
  3. Performance-based assessments emphasize doing (process) as well as knowing (product)
  4. Performance assessments include broader/longer activity than normal essay (planning, gathering information, doing drafts, getting critiques, etc.)
  5. Unlike essay questions, performance-based assessments do not require a written product, so can assess more outcomes (speaking skills, auto repair, etc.)
  6. Performance-based assessments of process have to be rated on the spot


OH 3
Performance-Based Assessments: Uses



OH 4
Performance-Based Assessments: Forms, Focus, and Authenticity

Form: Restricted- vs. Extended-Response