DSSEP Home Page History Standard 3: Interpretation


How might each of these influence each author's or historian's interpretation?

Historian A's Interpretation

*Sample Interpretation: Those who wrote the Constitution were motivated by self-interest.

Historian B's Interpretation

*Sample Interpretation: Those who wrote the Constitution were motivated by a desire to promote the public good.

The author's or historian's point of view.

(Grades 4-5 and 9-12)


The evidence that the author or historian presents to support their interpretation.

(Grades 4-5 and 9-12)


The historian's choice of questions.

(Grades 6-8 and 9-12)


The sources selected and used by the historian.

(Grades 6-8 and 9-12)


The historian's perspective.

(Grades 9-12)


The historian's beliefs.

(Grades 9-12)



*Teaching tip:

Benchmarks that are written at the level of "understanding" (which the DSTP frequently assesses) operate on the premise that students can apply their knowledge to new contexts. After modeling the use of the analysis worksheet have students demonstrate their understanding in different contexts. Synopses of other historical debates can be found at http://www.udel.edu/dssep/tools_hist/histlist.html





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