DSSEP Home Page History Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades 9-12 Cluster

History 1


Historical materials - things used by historians in their quest to piece together the story of the past.

Historical continuity - remaining relatively the same with the passage of time.

Historical change -becoming different with the passage of time.

History 2


Implement - to put into effect; to carry out.

Primary source - a piece of evidence (document or object) that dates back to the time when an event occurred.

Secondary source - evidence, descriptions, or explanations that shed light on past events but are not directly connected to those events or date back to the time when an event occurred.

Fact - something that is objectively verifiable and considered to be real or true.

Interpretation - an explanation of something that is presented in a manner that is understandable.

History 3


Competing historical narratives -descriptions or explanations of past events that differ or are not in agreement.

Contrast - to show differences or dissimilarities between things that are compared.

Perspective - one's mental view of something.

Beliefs - things that are accepted are real or true.

History 4



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