Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades 6-8 Cluster
History 1
Historical materials - things used by historians
in their quest to piece together the story of the past.
Theme - a subject or topic.
Change over time - to become different with the
passage of time.
Logical inference - a judgment that is believed
to be true and that is based on statements, propositions,
or judgments that are also believed to be true.
Cause - something that brings about an effect
or result.
Effect - something that follows a cause or antecedent.
History 2
Historical phenomena - exceptional, unusual, or
abnormal persons, things, or occurrences that are of interest
to those who investigate the past.
Artifact - an object showing human workmanship
or modification.
Credibility - the status of being believable or
Purpose - an aim or end to be attained.
Perspective - one's mental view of something.
Point of view - a position from which something
is considered or evaluated.
History 3
Historical questions - questions about the past.
Historical sources - information or evidence that
is used to construct an explanation or account of the