DSSEP Home Page Geography Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades K-3 Cluster

Geography 1


Map - a drawing of the earth's surface; a graphic representation of
a portion of Earth that is usually drawn to scale on a flat surface

Globe - a scale model of Earth that correctly represents area, relative
size and shape of physical features, distance between points, and true
compass direction.

Geographic - a model, aerial photograph, picture, graphs of spatial data

Geography 2


Climate - how hot or cold, wet or dry a place is over a long period of

Landforms - the shape, form or nature of a specific physical feature of
the Earth's surface

Geography 3


Settlement - a community of people, can be rural or

Connection - a physical or human link of places

Activity - the actions or means by which people make their living or
obtain their wants

Geography 4


Place - a location having distinctive characteristics that give
them meaning and character and distinguish them from other locations.

Region - an area with one or more common characteristics or features,
which give it a measure of homogeneity and make it different from
surrounding areas.

Pattern - the design or arrangement of spatial data

Country - unit of political space; the territory of a nation, delimited
by a boundary which separates it form other nations.

World -the earth and its inhabitants

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