DSSEP Home Page Geography Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades 9-12 Cluster

Geography 1


Geographic patterns - the design or arrangement of spatial data

Emerge - geographic information that becomes apparent or evident or as a
result of interactions

Hierarchy - patterns at a detailed scale may be related to patterns at a more general scale

Accessibility - the relative ease with which a place can be reached from
other places

Diffusion - the spread of people, ideas, technology, diseases, and
products among places

Complementarity - the mutually satisfactory exchange of raw materials,
manufactured products, or information between two regions to fill the
needs and wants of each.


Geography 2


Physical environment - the natural structural features of
the Earth's surface, such as hills, plateau, mountain, river, lakes

Interconnected-systems- ecosystems and the inter-relationships of all
the elements within those systems.

Ecosystems - systems formed by the interaction of all living organisms
(plants, animals, humans) with each other and with the physical and
chemical factors of the environment in which they live.

Scale - refers to the size of the area studied, from
local to global.



Geography 3


Geographic processes - the course or method of operation that
produces, maintains, or alters Earth's physical systems

Culture - the learned behavior of people, which includes their belief
systems and languages, their social relationships, their institutions
and organizations, and their material goods - food, clothing, buildings,
tools, and machines.

Economic activity - production, distribution, and consumption
of goods and resources to meets the wants of humans; can be
primary or secondary.

Settlement - a community; human habitations, including rural or urban

Geography 4


Boundaries - lines that have been established by people to mark the limit of one political unit (county, state) and the beginning of another; can be geographical features such as mountains or rivers, etc.

Complexity - difficulty or intricacy

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