DSSEP Home Page Geography Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades 6-8 Cluster

Geography 1


Mental map - a cognitive map; the map-like image of the world,
country, region, city or neighborhood a person carries in mind; it
includes knowledge of actual locations and spatial relationships and is
colored by personal perceptions and preferences related to place.

Subregion - any of the divisions of a region

Relative location - the location of a point relative (comparative) to
another point

Physical features - as aspect of a place or area that derives from the
physical environment

Political division - an area with its own governmental system.

Human settlement - a community founded and developed by people


Geography 2


Natural environment - the physical environment

Physical environment - the natural features and
processes of the Earth

Subregion - any of the divisions of a region


Geography 3


Cultural patterns - the human imprints on the landscape or the
unique use of the physical environment by a particular group of people

Human activity - the occupations and interests of

Subregion - any of the divisions of a region

Geography 4


Economic activities - means of gathering, producing,
distributing, or consuming foods, goods, materials, to satisfy human

Conflict - a fight, struggle or opposition with another

Cooperation - working together with another, group, country, for
common purposes or mutual benefits.

Cultural region - a formal or functional region within which common
cultural characteristics prevail.

Political territory - the land and waters under the jurisdiction of a
nation, state, ruler, etc; a part of a country or empire that does not
have the full status of principal divisions.

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