DSSEP Home Page Economics Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades K-3 Cluster

Economics 1


Resources (also referred to as productive resources or factors of

  • Productive resources are the natural resources, human
    resources, and capital goods (resources) available to make a good or
    • Natural resources, such as land, are "gifts of nature," they are present without human intervention.
    • Human resources are the workers. More formally defined as the quantity
      and quality of human effort directed toward producing goods and
    • Human capital refers to the quality of labor resources, which
      can be improved through investments in education, training, and health.
    • Capital goods or capital resources are goods produced and used to make
      other goods and services.
    • A fourth category, entrepreneurs, is sometimes used. Entrepreneurs are
      people who organize other productive resources to make goods and

Wants: Economic wants are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a
good, service, or leisure activity. Economic wants range from things
needed for survival to things that are nice to have.

Satisfy: To get what you want


Economics 2


Barter: Barter is the direct trading of goods and services between

Money: Money is anything widely accepted as final payment for goods and

Exchange: Exchange is trading goods and services with people for other
goods and services or for money.

Goods: Goods are objects that can satisfy people's wants.

Services: Services are actions that can satisfy people's wants.



Economics 3

Economic Systems

Resources (also referred to as productive resources or factors of

  • Productive resources are the natural resources, human
    resources, and capital goods (resources) available to make a good or
    • Natural resources, such as land, are "gifts of nature," they are present without human intervention.
    • Human resources are the workers. More formally defined as the quantity
      and quality of human effort directed toward producing goods and
    • Human capital refers to the quality of labor resources, which
      can be improved through investments in education, training, and health.
    • Capital goods or capital resources are goods produced and used to make
      other goods and services.
    • A fourth category, entrepreneurs, is sometimes used. Entrepreneurs are
      people who organize other productive resources to make goods and

Wants: Economic wants are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a
good, service, or leisure activity. Economic wants range from things
needed for survival to things that are nice to have.

Satisfy: To get what you want

Economics 4

International Trade

Exchange: Exchange is trading goods and services with people for other
goods and services or for money.

Goods: Goods are objects that can satisfy people's wants.

Services: Services are actions that can satisfy people's wants.

Economics: The study of how individuals and societies organize the production, consumption and distribution of goods and services.

Interdependence: Interdependence is the dependence on others for goods
and services and occurs as a result of specialization. Economic
specialization is when people concentrate their production on fewer
kinds of goods and services than they consume.

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