DSSEP Home Page Civics Benchmark Terms and Definitions
K-3 Cluster

Civics 1


Government - a political group that is responsible for the direction and supervision of public affairs.

Leader - a person who leads, directs, or is in charge of something.

Election - an act or process of electing or making a choice.

Represent - to act the part or take the role of or for someone.

Interests - rights, titles, or legal shares in something.

Authority - the right to control or direct the actions of others. The right derives from law, morality, custom, or consent.

Appoint - to name officially to a position.

Familial - of, relating to, or suggestive of a family.

Respect - to consider worthy of high regard, esteem, or deference.

Civics 2


Politics - the art or science of government.

Respect - to consider worthy of high regard, esteem, or deference.

Opinion - a belief that is stronger than an impression but less strong than positive knowledge.

Property - something that is owned or possessed.

Foundation - an underlying base or support.

Civil - characterized by courtesy and politeness.

Civics 3


Citizenship - Status of being a member of a state, one who owes allegiance to the government and is entitled to its protection to political rights.

Citizen - a member of a political society who therefore owes allegiance to, and is entitled to, protection by and from the government.

Responsibility - is a duty i.e. something that a person is supposed or ought to do on the bases of moral or legal grounds. Right - something that a person has a just claim to.

Privilege - a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor.

Civics 4


Participation - taking part in something

Group - two or more individuals gathered together or having a unifying relationship.

Objective - something toward which effort is directed; a goal or what one aims to do.

Cooperate - to work with others.

Responsibility - is a duty i.e. something that a person is supposed or ought to do on the bases of moral or legal grounds.

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