DSSEP Home Page Civics Benchmark Terms and Definitions
Grades 9-12

Civics 1


Structure - the arrangement of parts.

Ideology - a set of basic beliefs about life, culture, society, and government.

Culture - the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterize a group.

Values - those principles or beliefs that a group of people consider to be important or desirable.

Civics 2


Extra-Constitutional - that which is authorized by a loose or implied interpretation of the Constitution or something other than the Constitution itself.

Political party - a group with broad common interests that organizes to nominate candidates for office, win elections, conduct government, and determine public policy.

Functioning - the manner in which something (e.g. government) acts or operates.

Dynamic - characterized by continuous and productive activity or change.

Balance of power - principle or feature of the Constitution whereby power is distributed equally among the three branches of government.

Incorporated - united or worked into something already existing so that it forms an indistinguishable whole.

Tradition - an inherited, customary, or established pattern of thought, action, or behavior.

Precedent - something that influences or guides a later decision or action; often used in the context of court cases.

Interpretations - particular versions of something that are intended to explain or tell the meaning of.

Civics 3


Public policy - the course of action a government takes in response to some issue or problem.

Federal government - term used to describe the United States or national government.

Civic process - process relating to matters dealing with the state or its citizens.

Civics 4


Political party - a group with broad common interests that organizes to nominate candidates for office, win elections, conduct government, and determine public policy.

Government agency - an establishment that is set up to help the government perform its duties.

Commission - a group of people directed to perform some duty.

Public policy - the course of action a government takes in response to some issue or problem.

Citizen group - a group made-up of people who are members of a particular state to which they owe allegiance and receive protection.

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