UNIV-460 Section 44 
Tentative Schedule - Fall 2004
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Time & Place: The first class, a two-hour orientation session before classes start, will be held on Monday, August 30th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in 109 Memorial Hall. This is an especially important session and all tutor-facilitators should be present. Thereafter enrolled students will meet either from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Mondays in 206 Alison Hall West or 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in 109 Memorial Hall. Every Tutorial Methods  of Instruction class will include time to discuss problem situations and successes tutors have are experiencing. In order to gain practical experience, you will serve as a tutor-facilitator in one of the problem-based learning (PBL) or Peer-led team learning  (PLTL) courses on campus, and meet on a regular basis with the instructor of that course for more specific content preparation. The tentative schedule for the semester is as follows:

Monday August 30th  2:00 - 4:00 PM 109 Memorial Hall
Getting Started: 
    Tutor-Facilitator Orientation Session
       What is PBL?
       Boyer Commission Report
       REINVENTING UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION: A Blueprint for America's Research Universities
Fri Sept 10
Mon Sept 13
Cognitive Development & Personality: 
       Perry Scheme (William G. Perry, Jr.), and 
       Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Assignment
       Take the Jung Typology Test on-line 
Fri Sept 17
Mon Sept 20
Questioning Skills to Probe for Deeper Understanding
       Bloom's Taxonomy (Benjamin Bloom)
Fri Sept 24
Mon Sept 27
Questioning Skills continued
Fri Oct 1
Mon Oct 4
Behaviors that Undermine Group Function: Trigger Tapes and Discussion of Problem Situations from "Groups in Action," PBL teaching cases for tutor-facilitators.
Fri Oct 8
Mon Oct 11
Dealing with Behaviors that Affect Group Function
Tutor-Facilitator Case Studies Drafts
Fri Oct 15
Mon Oct 18
Fish bowl exercise-"Hot Headed Mole".
Case Study I Due
Fri Oct 22
Mon Oct 25
Managing Interpersonal Conflict
Fri Oct 29
Mon Nov 1
Dealing with Misconceptions
      Biology Misconceptions
      Chemistry Misconceptions
      Chemistry Concept Tests
      Physical Science Concepts in Biology
Fri Nov 5
Mon Nov 8
Evaluation: Giving and Receiving Feedback
Maintaining a Good Learning Environment,
Fri Nov 12
Mon Nov 15
No Class
Fri Nov 19
Mon Nov 22
Discussion of Tutor Facilitator Case Studies.
Video Vignettes
of PBL tutor-facilitator Challenges

Fri Nov 26
Mon Nov 29
Thanksgiving Break
Fri Dec 2
Mon Dec 5
Course Evaluation (and Pizza)

Return to  Course Home Page or Hal White's Home Page
Last updated 11 November 2004 by Hal White [halwhite at udel.edu]
Copyright 2004, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716