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Taber, D. F. and Meagley, R. P. "Diastereoselectivity in Uncatalyzed Intramolecular C-H Insertion by an Alkylidene Carbene" Tetrahedron Letters, 1994, 35, 7909

Taber, D.F.; Meagley, R.P.; Supplee, D. " A colorful Grignard reaction: Preparation of the triarylmethane dyes from 4-bromo N,N-dimethylaniline"
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Taber, D. F., Sahli, A., Yu, H., Meagley, R. P. "Efficient Intramolecular C-H Insertion by an Alkylidene Carbene Generated from a Vinyl Chloride" J. Org. Chem., 1995, 60, 6571

Taber, D. F., Meagley, R. P. and Doren, D. J."Cyclohexenone Construction by Intramolecular Alkylidene C-H Insertion: Synthesis of (+)-Cassiol" J. Org. Chem. (in press)