Richard Pina's Home Page

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This is not a very recent photograph, but it is me. However, as a friend of mine is fond of telling me, this photo is more reflective of my state of mind than my age.

Personal Interests

Besides talking too much, I have some other interests. Cooking is one of them, and my specialties include Mexican, Creole, and Cuban dishes. Luckily, one of my other passions is long distance bike riding, otherwise I'd be as big as Elvis. I tend to read anything that I can get my hands on with the exception of Joyce and Hemingway. Feeding my two feral house cats, Fiben and Galet, takes longer than you would expect to do safely (think Christians, Romans, and Lions).


I started doing research in organic chemistry as an undergraduate in the Hunter College chemisrty department. While I was there, I worked on two projects: the synthesis of bridged semibullvalenes with Dr. K. Grohman and the synthesis of cationic porphyrins with Dr. D. K. Lavallee. Currently I am completing my Ph.D. at Brown University in the chemistry department with Dr. K. A. Parker.

Here are some of my favorite links for work and play.

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This page is maintained by Richard Pina
Questions and comments to Richard Pina