The Non-Traditional Christian View


There are many people who consider themselves to be scientists who also believe in the bible. How then do they explain what most scientists claim are blatant disagreements regarding the age of the earth? Well, there are various positions which a non-fundamental christian may take. First, some christians interpret the bible figuratively, and therefore believe that the creation account of 7 days simply does not have to mean a literal 7 days. Rather, they point out that numbers are often symbolic in the bible. Therefore, the 7 day creation account was meant to depict a perfection which is often associated with the number 7 in the bible. Also, many christians point out that their God is eternal or not within time, therefore the 7 day account may just have been man’s construct to explain the abilities of God in creating the earth.

Some christians do not argue with scientific data which shows the earth to be billions of years old. But, they do point out that their belief is that God is the generator of all the universal laws from which scientists determine this age, and therefore God could have changed these laws at any point in time.

In short, many christians who are also scientists probably do not turn to the bible for a scientific account of creation, but they also do not fully embrace the scientific account either. Many christians seem to be unimpressed with scientists’ explanations of the more deep questions of life and this includes most explanations regarding the age of the earth and its origins.

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