William Frawley
Dept. of Linguistics
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
Also Professor & Director of Cognitive Science
and Professor of English
PHONE: 302-831-6806
FAX: 302-831-6896
Faculty Director
Academic Programs and Planning
Office of Undergraduate Studies
Gore Hall 212
PHONE: 302-831-3330
FAX: 302-831-2029
February 20, 2002
UD Named 1 of 10 Institutions for AAC&U/FIPSE Project:
Liberal Education and Global Citizenship
View Proposal and Curricular Template
Initiatives in Undergraduate Studies
Goals of General Education
Advanced and Emerging Technology Initiative
General Education Fund
Pathways to Discovery
General Education Institute
Working Report of the Committee to Revise College of Arts and Science Requirements
Reports and Conference Presentations on Delaware's Initiatives
Assessments of the Effectiveness of LIFE
LIFE and Pathways: Assessing Two New
Freshman Programs at the University of Delaware: Chicago: Students in Transition
, October, 2001
Advanced and Emerging
Technology at a Research University: Educause, Baltimore, December, 2001
Kant Meets Gore-Tex: AAHE Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards, Phoenix, January, 2002
Full CV Available Here (MS Word)
Research Interests
- Cognitive Science (esp. developmental, clinical, and social)
- Semantics (esp. lexical semantics)
- Lexicography (esp. definitions and new forms of dictionaries)
- Psycholinguistics (esp. acquisition)
- Text and Discourse Theory
Recent Courses Taught
- LING 101 Introduction to Linguistics
- CGSC 270 Introduction to Cognitive Science
Recent Publications
Linguistic Semantics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992
Vygotsky and Cognitive Science: Language and the Unification of the Social and Computational Mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997.
Dictionaries of Indigenous Languages of the Americas . Berkeley:
University of California Press, in press (to appear summer, 2002)
(co-edited with Pam Munro and Ken Hill).
Oxford International
of Linguistics (4 vols.), Second Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press (Edi
tor in Chief).
Selected Recent Articles
"Vygotsky and Developmental Computationalism." Language and Thought in Development, P. Broeder and J. Muure, eds. Tubingen: Gunter Narr, 1999, 57-72.
"ALEX: A Computer Aid for Treating Alexithymia."Multiple Approaches to Intelligent Systems, I. Imam et al., eds. Berlin: Springer, 1999, 362-71. (with R. Smith)
"Consciousness: An Outside Story." Journal of the Learning Sciences 8(1999),525-40.
"Texts, Disciplines, and Subjectivities: Individuals in Textual Economies." Journal of Literary Semantics 29(2000), 81-95.
"Two Prospects for a Theory of Semantic Learnability." Cien Anos de
Investigacion Semantica: De Michel Breal a La Actualidad. Actas del I
Congreso Internacional de Semantica, Vol II, M. Martinez et al., eds. Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas, 2000, 1321-36.
"Fundamental Issues in Lexical Semantics." Handbook of Lexicology, D. Cru
se et al. eds. Berlin: de Gruyter, in press.
"Control in Cross-Domain Mental Computation: Evidence from Language Breakdown"
(Target article for continuing commentary). Computational
Intelligence, PDF of Galleys
"A Processing Theory of Alexithymia." (with R. Smith) Cognitive Systems, 2(2001), 189-206. PDF of article from journal website: click on September 2001 issue.
"Mental Computation and Language Breakdown: Clarifications, Extensions, and Responses." Computational Intelligence, in press. PDF of Galleys.
Current Research Projects
Development of Computerized Aids to Medicine (esp. medical informatics for psychiatry): work with R. Smith
- development of a computationally tractable database of emotional knowledge
- development of computerized aids to therapy for affective disorders (alexithymia, schizophrenia, addiction)
- development of intelligent search engines for emotional knowledge
Book on Vygotsky and New Trends in Cognitive Science ("Vygotsky for the 21st Century")
- Vygotsky and evolutionary psychology
- Vygotsky and the world: how much world is (in) mind?
- Working memory and inner speech; the role of language in explicit knowledge
- Vygotsky and the theory-of-mind debates
- Vygotsky and the new linguistic relativity
The Expression of Modality in Natural Language, edited collection on modal notions in the world's languages -- in preparation for contract.
Current Major Committee Assignments
Faculty Senate Committee on General Education
Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable
Search Committee for Chair of Dept. of Psychology (Chair)
Nonacademic Interests
Persian Cats
Pictures of My Family
Emma and Christopher
Christopher Captaining a Sailboat on the Chesapeake
Maria and Chloe
Zeke and Maisie
Jasper (AKA Jazzman)
Other Favorite Pictures
Young Christopher (and young Daddy, with hair!)
Emma as a baby, with Christopher
Pierre (AKA Peanut)