Foundation Drawing I
Marquez: sections 010, 012

Project 5: "Pure" Value

DUE: in class, Wednesday, Nov.15

Objective: A drawing in the manner of Seurat

Create a drawing with a full range of values, describing a clear light situation and, consequently, three-dimensional forms. Use paper from your sketchbook, and draw all the way to the edges. Use any combination of the charcoals we are using in class.

To do your drawing you will need to study the Seurat drawings below. Note that he uses no lines at all; edges are created by contrasting values (light against dark and vice versa). You need not re-create the texture of his marks, but try your best to apply value in a clean, seamless way. If marks show, let them contribute to how you are describing light and form. Also, you may find it helpful to set up a situation with a single, dramatic light source.

Criteria for evaluation include:

• full range of values
• clarity of light
• clarity of form
• clear and logical spatial relationships (including linear perspective)
• overall visual interest
• inventiveness and creativity
• neatness and craftsmanship

See examples of student work

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