Foundation Drawing I
Marquez: sections 010, 012

Project 4: Cross-hatching

DUE: in class, Wednesday, Nov.8

Objective: Create a one-frame cartoon (example: Far Side or some political cartoons) using extensive cross-hatching to convey light. Your cartoon should include at least one inanimate object that you make animate (for example, a talking teapot, like in Disney's Beauty and the Beast).

Draw your frame as large as possible on one sketchbook page. (If you want to do more than one frame, you will need to use multiple sheets of paper: one frame per sheet.) Draw in line only. Ballpoint pen or pen and ink is acceptable.

Remember that cross-hatching clearly describes light because cross-hatch lines correspond to planes of form. That is, 1) determine where your primary light comes from, 2) which planes of form face the light source, and 3) which planes face away from the light. Once you understand the light conditions, you can establish where your darkest dark and lightest light need to occur and, then, you can build a full range of values between the two extremes.

Criteria for evaluation include:

• clarity of light
• clarity of form
• descriptive quality of line
• clear and logical spatial relationships (including linear perspective)
• overall visual interest
• inventiveness and creativity
• neatness and craftsmanship