AAUP - American Associate of University Professors at the University of Delaware

AAUP Steering Committee Minutes
November 26, 2007
Rm. 302 Dupont Hall, 9:00-10:00

Present: P. Barber, L. Bucher, J. Brockman, L. Campbell, J. DelFattore, A. Fields, A. Fox, N. Getchell, F. Kiamilev, S. Kitto, P. Krishnan, V. Martin, M. Palley, J. Raths, L. Raymond, H. Ross, A. Seraphin, D. Smith, G. Turkel, D. Yanich.

I. Members of the Executive Council and Steering Committee were introduced.

II. AAUP Bylaws specific to the Bargaining Team and Steering Committee responsibilities were reviewed.

III. Proposed Bargaining Team members were introduced: Gerry Turkel, Chief Negotiator, Sheldon Pollack, Kevin Kerrane, Leon Campbell, and David Smith.

G. Turkel provided information regarding his experience with contract negotiations. He reviewed projected timeline for bargaining process. Steering Committee will meet more frequently during spring semester. R. Girardi will request schedules during winter semester and meetings will be scheduled to accommodate everyone’s schedules as much as possible.

Motion was made and seconded to approve the Bargaining Team as proposed by the Ececutive Council. Approved, no abstentions or dissentions.

IV. Preliminary report of Pre-Bargaining Faculty Survey provided by L. Bucher. Response rate greatly improved with online format compared to previous system of mailing surveys to faculty.

V. President Harker reception: L. Bucher reminded members to attend the reception scheduled for 11/28 from 4-5 PM in the Collins Room, Perkins.

VI. Miscellaneous: Members were encouraged to recruit new members. L. Bucher will ask R. Girardi to send list of non-AAUP members to Steering Committee. L. Bucher reported that all new faculty are provided with a free, one year membership (national and local) on hire.