AAUP - American Associate of University Professors at the University of Delaware

Minutes from February 22, 2006 Open Faculty Meeting


Present: Linda Bucher (presiding), Roger Bowen (General Secretary, National AAUP, guest), Jane Buck (President, National AAUP, guest) Kevin Kerrane (Secretary), Pat Barber (Member-at-Large), Benjamin Bruening (Linguistics), Jeremy Firestone (Marine Studies), Avron Abraham (President, Faculty Senate), Gerry Turkel (Immediate Past President), Russell Murray (Music).

  • Introduction of Executive Council members: L. Bucher introduced members of the Executive Council and Jane Buck.
  • Introduction of guest: Roger Bowen: L. Bucher introduced R. Bowen and thanked him for attending this meeting. Roger gave a brief overview of his activities and observations of important issues confronting other universities.
  • National AAUP Endowment Fund: R. Bowen described purpose and importance of the endowment fund. Currently, there is ~ 1 million dollars in pledges and ~ $400,000 has been received. One contributor has indicated that he would match every pledge of $25,000 with an equal pledge of $25,000. G. Turkel presented R. Bowen with UD AAUP’s pledge of $20,000 (to be paid over 4 years).

  • Report on the membership and vacancies on the Steering Committee: L. Bucher indicated that ~ 50% of the faculty are AAUP members. There are numerous vacancies on the Steering Committee in part due to the increase in representation that was a result of a recent bylaws change. Membership lists distributed and faculty were asked for ideas re: solicitation of nominations. B. Bruening suggested mailing a letter to each member asking them to consider serving on this committee.
  • Report on the Committee on Retiree Medical Benefits: L. Bucher reported that committee has met once. There is concern that future retiree medical benefits (for faculty retiring in ~30 years) could be reduced or eliminated. There is not expected to be any change in retiree health benefits for current faculty or retirees. Discussed importance of bargaining for retiree health benefits in future contracts. R. Bowen indicated that these discussions are happening across the nation at all universities.
  • Open Discussion: B. Bruening asked what the role of Department Representatives was in the AAUP. L. Bucher explained that Dep. Reps. Serve as a liaison between the faculty and the Steering Committee bringing issues of concern to the Steering Committee. In addition, Dep. Reps. Serve as advocates for the union, encouraging faculty to join. Dep. Reps. are selected by the faculty (usually at a department meeting). Term of service is defined as the period defined by the current contract (i.e. through 12/31/08 ).

Meeting ended at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Bucher