AAUP - American Associate of University Professors at the University of Delaware


AAUP Executive Council
September 4, 2009


Members present: Joan DelFattore, Prasad Dhurjati, Calvin Keeler, Linda Bucher, Leon Campbell, David Smith, Gerry Turkel, Danilo Yanich, Pat Barber

Executive Session

1. Contract maintenance report: Leon Campbell
2. Grievance Officer report: David Smith

Approval of Agenda and Minutes:

The agenda was approved.

Minutes of May 4, 2009 were approved as submitted.

New Business:

 The vacant position of Treasurer was discussed. The Executive Council nominated Calvin Keeler, and he has agreed to be a nominee for the position. Prior to sending out a ballot, AAUP members will be notified via e-mail of the vacant position and the requirements to be nominated for the position. Professor Keeler’s name will be submitted in addition to those of any faculty nominated and supported by ten AAUP members according to the bylaws description. Balloting will be sent to AAUP members by Survey Monkey.

The council decided to renew the Survey Monkey subscription.

A discrepancy was noted in the University schedule. Reading Day was omitted, and according to the Faculty Handbook, it is mandatory to have a Reading Day. David Smith will check with Tom Apple.

Prasad Dhurjati is on sabbatical leave. Doug Buttrey was suggested as a temporary replacement. Joan Del Fattore will follow up on this.

Payroll and Systems Administration has agreed to provide a monthly e-list of faculty having payroll deduction and those faculty who do not have funds withheld.

The Executive Council discussed the need to select an attorney. Two names were submitted—David Powell and Jonathan Axelrod. Gerry Turkel suggested we try Jon Axelrod and get information on his view of the relevant IRS law and of the University‘s position. David Smith will draft a letter after Joan Del Fattore speaks to Mr. Axelrod.

Inviting Speakers: It was suggested that the AAUP sponsor a two-part discussion on academic freedom. If they are available, Bob O’Neil and Larry White might speak in the fall and Rachel Levinson in the spring. Gerry Turkel and Joan DelFattore will contact the speakers and ascertain whether Provost Apple is willing to co-sponsor these programs, as has been done in the past.

Old Business:

Executive Council members selected the following dates for their future meetings, which will begin at 8:00 a.m. A new location of 243 Wolf Hall has been designated thanks to the effort of David Smith.

September 11, 25
October 9, 30
November 13
December 11

Meeting adjourned at noon.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Barber