AAUP - American Associate of University Professors at the University of Delaware


AAUP Executive Council Minutes
October 22, 2007
Room 302 McDowell Hall, 12:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Linda Bucher (presiding), Leon Campbell, David Smith, Gerald Turkel, Steve Dentel, Pat Barber, Sheldon Pollack, Kevin Kerrane (secretary)

GUESTS: Leland Ware, David Colton

The meeting began with comments by Professor Leland Ware, who is serving on the University Strategic Planning Committee. That committee is soliciting ideas about how to move UD forward to national and international prominence, and after reading a list of “aspirational peers”—schools that might provide models for excellence, and recognition of that excellence—Professor Ware asked Council members to suggest ways that UD could transcend a “provincial” identity.

S. Pollack suggested that very productive faculty could be rewarded beyond the provisions outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. G. Turkel added that one-third of full professors at UD have now been honored with named professorships, and that there should be more faculty and departmental input regarding this “fourth tier.”

L. Bucher suggested that, by taking leadership in environmental policies, UD might become known as “the green university” or UD could define itself as “the healthiest university” by recasting health programs, anti-smoking campaigns, food service, and other aspects of campus life.

K. Kerrane suggested that larger investment in Study Abroad programs could pay significant dividends. He noted that although Florida State University is not on the list of aspirational peers, it has greater prominence than UD in London because its facility is large and well appointed, whereas our programs have outgrown the small building on Doughty Street. He also emphasized that many of our most worthy students are simply unable to afford the fees for overseas programs and that doubling or tripling the funding for the study-abroad scholarships would be a visible way of doing the right thing.

S. Dentel suggested that a university like Cornell provides a model both for its culture of intellectualism and its willingness to embrace controversy—for example, by inviting provocative speakers and encouraging vigorous political debate. He contrasted the freedom of Cornell students to chalk sidewalks, or to display posters on bulletin boards without getting official approval, with a concern at UD for maintaining a pristine appearance.

G. Turkel suggested that UD make a firmer public commitment to serving communities in Delaware.

D. Colton suggested that UD demonstrate public leadership by fighting for domestic-partner benefits rather than waiting for the AAUP to bring the issue forward in contract negotiations. Such a gesture would be “symbolic of a movement into the 21 st century.” D. Smith argued that the Board of Trustees has previously hidden behind the policies of Delaware state legislators in refusing to consider benefits for domestic partners, even though many of our board members represent companies that provide such benefits.

Professor Ware thanked Council members for all these suggestions and promised to relay them to the Strategic Planning Committee. After he left, Council went into Executive Session.

Regular Meeting:

Minutes of 9/24/07 were approved as submitted.

Office Updates/Issues

1. Rita’s salary: deferred
2. Treasurer’s Report: No report
3. The AAUP VOICE: No report

4. Old Business:  

a. Pre-Bargaining Faculty Survey: final feedback requested and survey to be
distributed in mid-November

b. Chapter history project: L. Bucher spoke to Steve Finner - work to begin in early December

c. University Faculty Forum: Scheduled for Oct. 25, 2007, 12-1 PM – David Breneman, Trabant Multi-purpose Room

d. Steering Committee vacancy: College of Engineering and College of Marine Studies: Kenneth Barner elected

e. President Harker reception: Scheduled for Wed. Nov. 28, 2007, 4-5 PM, Collins Room, Perkins Student Center. Will extend invitation to all AAUP members to increase attendance

f. Recruitment strategies: L. Bucher and G. Turkel attended the A&S Senate meeting on 9/24/07; L. Bucher presented at the New Faculty Orientation on 10/8/07.

g. Joint meeting with AAUP/President of Faculty Senate: D. Smith – No report.

5. New Business:  

a. Steering Committee Meeting: Scheduled for Mon. Nov. 26th from 9-10 AM
in Rm. 302 Dupont Hall.
b. Recruitment strategy: Council approved automatically enrolling all new
faculty in the AAUP every September since we currently pay for the first
year’s membership dues Automatic enrollment of new faculty
c. Agency Fee: Council approved dedicating $500-600 to have attorney research
possibility of requiring an agency fee by non-AAUP members.
d. All AAUP contracts are online – G. Turkel requested monies to have a
graduate student research ???. Council decided to hold off at this time.

6. News from National AAUP  

a. Semi-Annual CBA meeting: Scheduled for 11/30-12/1 in Washington, DC.
Council members encouraged to attend.

7. Future Meetings:

12-2 on 11/26/07, 12/17/07.