AAUP - American Associate of University Professors at the University of Delaware


AAUP Executive Council Minutes
August 27, 2007; 12:00
Room 302 McDowell Hall

PRESENT: Linda Bucher (presiding), Leon Campbell, Gerald Turkel, Danilo Yanich, Sheldon Pollack, Patricia Barber, David Smith, Steve Dentel, and Kevin Kerrane (secretary)

The meeting opened in Executive Session with the visit of a faculty member requesting Council support of a Step 3 Grievance. Following this discussion, Council heard reports from the Grievance Officer, D. Smith, and the Contract Maintenance Officer, L. Campbell.

Council then approved Minutes from the meeting of May 9, 2007, with two corrections: the addition of Patricia Barber to the list of those members present, and the correction of spelling for Marian Palley’s name.

Regular Meeting:

Office Update: L. Bucher noted that she is working with Rita Girardi to reorganize the chapter’s web site, and that the routine audit of chapter expenses—undertaken last May—confirmed that everything is in order.

Treasurer’s report: S. Pollack announced that, as of June 30, 2007 (the end of the second quarter), the chapter’s net gain for the year was $17,000. This figure includes our donation of $5,000 to the national AAUP for the Endowment Fun.

The AAUP Voice: G. Turkel said that the next issues of the newsletter would include an analysis of results from the spring survey of the faculty, and that the larger issue of AAUP membership recruitment would be a priority for the fall.

The issue of recruitment led to a discussion of perks for membership—specifically, the right to vote on a new contract when the AAUP puts one forward after negotiations. S. Dentel and D. Yanich suggested that current AAUP members might decide by ballot whether to allow non-members to vote on the contract. G. Turkel said that he would check on the practice of other AAUP chapters, and L. Bucher said that she would check our own chapter’s by-laws.

K. Kerrane proposed that new recruitment efforts include an approach tailored to the concerns of CNTT faculty, an increasingly large bloc of employees who may not realize how the AAUP can act on their behalf. S. Dentel proposed that The AAUP Voice schedule a series on specific grievances, with names omitted, to illustrate various issues that have arisen in recent cases.

Old Business:

Chapter History Project: Copies of the chapter’s contract with Steve Finner will be distributed at the next Executive Council meeting.

Council approved expenses (about $100) for a student assistant to help with statistical analysis of results from the spring survey of faculty.

P. Barber moved (S. Dentel seconding) that Council endorse the following negotiating team for spring bargaining sessions on a new contract: G. Turkel (lead negotiator), L. Campbell, S. Pollack, K. Kerrane, and D. Smith. The motion carried unanimously and will be submitted for approval to the AAUP Steering Committee.

L. Bucher noted that the Steering Committee will need to fill a vacancy this fall, to include representation from the College of Engineering and College of Marine Studies. She also reminded Council that the fall Faculty Forum, cosponsored by the AAUP and the university administration, is scheduled for October 25 (Thursday) at noon in the Trabant Multi-purpose Room, and will feature David Breneman.

New Business:

Another reminder: a lunch meeting with President Harker, scheduled for September 5 (Wednesday) at noon in the Blue and Gold.

News from the National AAUP:

 In July G. Turkel attended the National AAUP Summer Institute in Reno, Nevada. He reported that, for faculty at other schools, salary equity was one of the biggest issues.

 The next Council meeting is scheduled for September 24 (Monday) at noon. K. Kerrane suggested that Executive Sessions at fall meetings be postponed until the main agenda items are complete, to assure that the Minutes not be truncated by the necessity of leaving early for class.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Kerrane