UD PeopleSoft Financial System - Data Dictionary
Last updated for this Record on 1/16/2004.


Contains individual transactions, identified by their Chartfield-Strings, date, and the vehicle that caused them (eg. which Purchase Order ID, Journal ID, Voucher ID, etc.). Equivalent to the DataWarehouse table GA-TRANSACTIONS. This Record's data is compiled from multiple other Records, which are indicated in UOD_trans_derivation.xls
ACCOUNT Account Example: 141000
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Chartfield which characterizes the type of transaction as part of the transaction string. It identifies the type of revenue, expense, liability or asset. Corresponds to the legacy 3-digit Object Code.
Lookup values and translations in GL_ACCOUNT_TBL
ACCOUNTING_PERIOD Accounting Period Example: 1
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 3 Decimals: 0
Represents the time span where the transactions are recorded. Accounting periods 1-12 correspond to a month and periods 991 and 992 correspond to year end close periods.
BUDGET_REF Budget Reference Example: J202820
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase 8Length: 8 0
Data pertinent to certain statistical facts in the BUDGET_INFO ledger (eg. Employee ID, Position number).
Lookup values and translations in BUD_REF_TBL
BUSINESS_UNIT Business Unit Example: UOD01
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 5 Decimals: 0
Legal entity with a tax ID number. Only one exists at UD at this time (UOD01)
CHARTFIELD1 Purpose Example: ENGL110000
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Purpose chartfield. Replaces legacy 11 digit account code.
Lookup values and translations in CHARTFIELD1_TBL
CHARTFIELD2 Source Example: 3300003000
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Source chartfield which tags and tracks contract and grant agency information, and capital projects.
Lookup values and translations in CHARTFIELD2_TBL
CHARTFIELD3 UD Chartfield Example: 0000000001
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
The Chartfield which tags transactions with a code that each UDFS user can interpret as (s)he finds useful (eg. USRVAL1 might mean "Paris" to one user or department, but mean "Fall lecture series" to another).
CLASS_FLD Class Field Example: 001
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 5 Decimals: 0
The Chartfield which identifies the faculty member or the staff position to which salary items apply. Corresponds to the legacy line number.
Lookup values and translations in CLASS_CF_TBL
DEPTID Department Example: 02553
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Identifies the administrative budget unit controling one or more Purposes. Some entries are not actual departments, but are merely nodes on a tree that organizes departments into a hierarchy for reporting purposes.
Lookup values and translations in DEPT_TBL
DISTRIB_LINE_NUM Distribution Line Number Example: 1
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 5 Decimals: 0
Line of a transaction from accounts payable.
FISCAL_YEAR Fiscal Year Example: 2004
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 4 Decimals: 0
UD fiscal transaction year. The year runs from 7/1/XX to 6/30/XY..
FUND_CODE Fund Code Example: OPBAS
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 5 Decimals: 0
Each Fund represents a self-balancing entity that produces balance sheets. Loosely corresponds to Legacy Data Warehouse ACCT_TYPE.
Lookup values and translations in FUND_TBL
GL_ADJUST_TYPE Adjustment Type UDC Example: UDC
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 4 Decimals: 0
Represents type of adjusting entry for year-end closing.
JOURNAL_ID Journal ID Example: WEB0000790
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Identifies and individual journal.
JOURNAL_LINE GL Journal Line Number Example: 4
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 9 Decimals: 0
Number of sequential lines in journal.
PO_ID Purchase Order Example:
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Identifies a particular Purchase Order
PO_LINE Purchase Order Line Item Example: 2
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 3 Decimals: 0
Number of sequential lines in a PO.
PROGRAM_CODE Program Code Example: INST2
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 5 Decimals: 0
Identifies the major University function to which a transaction pertains among an initial list of 3 dozen.
Lookup values and translations in PROGRAM_TBL
PROJECT_ID Project Example:
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 15 Decimals: 0
Chartfield which identifies contract and grant activities and facilities projects (eg. ARTC37211199000). Adds designators to a "Purpose" (eg. ARTC372111) indicating fiscal year, building, or other coded details.
Lookup values and translations in PROJECT_ID_VW
STATISTICS_CODE Statistics Code Example: FTE
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 3 Decimals: 0
Paired with statistical amount to tell you the type of units.
UNPOST_SEQ UnPost Sequence Example: 0
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 2 Decimals: 0
Whether a journal has been unposted or not.
VOUCHER_ID Voucher ID Example: W0211586
KEY Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 8 Decimals: 0
Identifier of the voucher.
VOUCHER_LINE_NUM Voucher Line Number Example: 141
KEY Type: number Format: uppercase Length: 5 Decimals: 0
Number of sequential lines on a voucher.
ACCOUNT_TYPE Account Type Example: E
Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 1 Decimals: 0
Characterizes an account, transaction or balance broadly as Expense, Revenue, Asset, Liability, or Net Asset.
ACCOUNTING_DT Accounting Date Example: 07/22/2003
Type: date Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
The date the transaction is recorded in the ledger.
AMOUNT Amount Example:
Type: signed number Format: uppercase Length: 28 Decimals: 3
A transaction amount. Equivalent to legacy Data Warehouse TRAN_AMT.
DESCR Description Example: HR Payroll Journals
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Transaction description
JRNL_LN_REF Journal Line Reference Example: 12345
Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Identifies the transaction in different ways depending on the value of TRANS_SOURCE. For example, if TRANS_SOURCE is "PAY", then JRNL_LN_REF contains the EmployeeID. If TRANS_SOURCE is "000", this field would contain the WebForm Request ID.
LEDGER Ledger Example: ACTUALS
Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Name of the ledger that the row is attached.
SOURCE Transaction Source Example: EXT
Type: character Format: uppercase Length: 3 0Decimals: 0
Transaction Source: the subsystem where the tranaction originates. NOT the same as CHARTFIELD2-SOURCE. Equivalent to Legacy Data Warehouse _code.
Lookup values and translations in SOURCE_TBL
STATISTIC_AMOUNT Statistic Amount Example:
Type: signed number Format: uppercase Length: 17 Decimals: 2
A non-monetary amount for various uses such as FTE, units, pounds, etc.
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction Date Example: 07/05/2003
Type: date Format: uppercase Length: 10 Decimals: 0
Date of the transaction. Equivalent to legacy Data Warehouse tran_date.
UOD_ACCOUNT_DESC Description Example: Office Supplies
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Account chartfield (from the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL). Not populated yet.
UOD_BUDGREF_DESCR Description Example: 1999
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
The budget year. Not populated yet.
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Purpose Chartfield (from CHARTFIELD1_TBL_).
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Source Chartfield (from CHARTFIELD2_TBL_).
UOD_CHRTFLD3_DESCR Description Example: USRVAL 1
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the User Chartfield (from CHARTFIELD3_TBL), which tags transactions with a code that each UDFS user can interpret as (s)he finds useful. Not populated yet.
UOD_CLASS_FD_DESCR Description Example: CLASS 001
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Class Chartfield (from the CLASS_CF_TBL).
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the department (from the DEPT_TBL).
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Fund Code (from FUND_TBL). Not populated yet.
UOD_GLADJUST_DESCR Description Example:
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Adjustment Type (from GL_ADJUST_TYPE_TBL). Not populated yet.
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Program Chartfield (from the PROGRAM_TBL). Not populated yet.
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Project Chartfield (from PROJECT_ID_VW). Not populated yet.
UOD_SCENARIO_DESCR Description Example: 123456
Type: character Format: lowercase Length: 30 Decimals: 0
Descriptive name of the Scenario Chartfield (from BD_SCENARIO_TBL).For Purchasing Card transactions, the last 6-digits of the card number.
Fields deemed insignificant at UD, or of limited use to general campus users.
PYMNT_CNT Payments