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What is UDAES?

     UDAES (University of Delaware Academic Experiences Study) is an exciting, major longitudinal study from which we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the academic experiences that students have during their undergraduate years at UD. During each spring semester, 1997 through 2000, a group of students from the Class of 2000 will be asked to complete questionnaires on their activities and on ways they approach problem solving. Some of these students may also be asked to attend a short focus group session to further discuss the activities from which they have benefited as well as parts of the UD experience that can be improved.

     If you've been asked to participate in UDAES, please know we are counting on your participation for each year of this study. We can't make your UD experience the best unless we hear from you!

     All study participants should understand that all responses are held in the strictest confidence. The University's Human Subjects Board has approved this study. Please feel free to contact Dr. Karen Bauer if you have any questions regarding this study via email, or by calling the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at 831-2021.