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Vote for new Spirit Ambassadors this week

11:32 a.m., Oct. 3, 2006--Nominations are complete, and now it's time for students, faculty and staff to vote for UD's new Spirit Ambassadors, a diverse group of undergraduates who represent the best qualities of UD students.

Eleven UD students are competing for selection as ambassadors--the spirited UD supporters who serve as student hosts at campus events. For more information about each finalist, visit [www.udel.edu/alumni/students/spiritamb.html].

Spirit Ambassadors possess strong communication skills, positive attitudes, reliability, leadership, patience, flexibility, diplomacy and an interest in community service.

Those who are selected will join a student advisory board that meets with President David P. Roselle and senior administrators. They will also meet with alumni and UD benefactors.

To vote, visit the Spirit Ambassador polling page at [www.udel.edu/spirit] before 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 6. Students, faculty and staff can vote one time for up to two candidates.

A selection committee will interview the finalists and notify those who are selected. UD's new Student Ambassadors will be announced and recognized at halftime during the Homecoming football game on Saturday, Oct. 14.

For more information, call (302) 831-8741.

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