Team UD raises $5,000 for March of Dimes
Team UD
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3:23 p.m., May 15, 2007--Approximately $5,000 was raised by the University of Delaware Team for the March of Dimes WalkAmerica, which stepped off Saturday morning, April 29, from the Delaware Field House.

Margot Hsu Carroll, assistant to the executive vice president and University of Delaware Team coordinator, said 1,158 walkers participated in the event and met the New Castle County goal of $294,400. The state goal of $391,000 is anticipated to be met at the last WalkAmerica event on May 19.

This year's 6-mile walk featured the usual attractions for kids, including the moonbounce in the Field House parking lot and complimentary snacks and lunch.

“It was a beautiful day and it was great to see the large turnout of families at the walk this year,” Carroll said. “My 4-year-old twin boys loved the moon bounce, the other kids' activities and YoUDee. I wanted to give a special thank you to the record number of UD students who volunteered at the event this year. When I asked my sons what they wanted to do next Saturday, they said 'Go to the Marching Dimes party again!'”

The March of Dimes is committed to preventing birth defects and infant mortality through education, research, community programs and advocacy. More than $1.7 billion has been raised during WalkAmerica's 37-year history, and last year Team UD raised more than $6,000 for the cause.

Article by Julia Parmley, AS '07
Photos by Kevin Quinlan