Students selected for Governor’s School for Excellence in China

10:52 a.m., May 29, 2007--The following Delaware high-school students have been selected for the first Governor's School for Excellence in China:

David Bai, Charter School of Wilmington
Jeffrey Chao, Charter School of Wilmington
Jin Chen, Sanford School
Lena Chen, Christiana High School
Rafael De La Rusa, St. Andrew's School
Karen Fang, Charter School of Wilmington
Rui Hu, Charter School of Wilmington
Adrian Lee, Glasgow High School
Catherine Lee, Charter School of Wilmington
Jeffrey Liu, Charter School of Wilmington
Brandon Ogbolu, St. Andrew's School
Jack Qiu, Charter School of Wilmington
Edward Rees, Middletown High School
Josh Speers, St. Andrew's School
Kevin Sun, Newark High School
Anna Sung, Charter School of Wilmington
Clare Thermansen, St. Andrew's School
Joseph Tice, Middletown High School
Jessica Torres, St. Andrew's School
Jacinda Tran, Charter School of Wilmington
Daniel Ventura, St. Andrew's School
Lisa Yan, Charter School of Wilmington
Jessie Yuan, Charter School of Wilmington
Bobby Zhang, St. Mark's High School