UD scholar-athletes win sportsmanship awards

10:11 a.m., May 17, 2007--The University of Delaware athletics department has announced the winners of the 2006-07 Blue Hen team sportsmanship awards. The awards recognize UD scholar-athletes who have been outstanding role models and who have displayed sportsmanship towards their teammates, coaches, opponents and game officials.

This year's recipients are: Regine Adrien in women's rowing, Adam Blomberg in men's swimming and diving, Tim Brock in men's cross country, Michael Bratus in men's soccer, Tommy Ellison in golf, Kristine Gneiss in volleyball, Matt Guida in men's indoor track and field, Bryan Hagerich in baseball, Liz Harvin in women's outdoor track and field, Laura Heenan in women's indoor track and field, Kaili Kao in field hockey, Alena Koshansky in women's basketball, Meredith Law in women's swimming and diving, Bonnie Mills in women's soccer, Kristen Mueller in women's tennis, Henry Olawoye in men's basketball, Camilo Perez in men's tennis, George Potts in football, Tommy Scherr in men's lacrosse, Kyle Schmid in men's outdoor track and field, Debbie Sloan in women's lacrosse, Carolynn Sloat in softball and Leslie Wason in women's cross country.

Gneiss, Heenan, Scherr and Sloat were honored for the second straight year.

"We are once again proud to honor these individuals for their efforts in showing true sportsmanship throughout the year," UD Director of Athletics Edgar N. Johnson said. "These special student-athletes have shown that you can be an outstanding competitor on the field and still accomplish your goals with great character and sportsmanship while showing respect to your opponents and officials."