Young Scholars Award Nominations

4:25 p.m., May 10, 2007--The Francis Alison Society has announced its 12th annual competition for the Young Scholars Award, which is given to one assistant professor at UD who has shown distinction through research and publications, especially where such research benefits teaching and the academic program.

Nominations are made through departmental chairpersons or a dean or director in other units. Applications must include a curriculum vitae plus one book, article or other work that the nominee believes to be his or her best work, and the endorsement of the chairperson, dean or director.

A committee of Francis Alison Scholars, with the advice and participation of all members of the Society, will judge the applicants. This award is one of the most distinguished honors at the University.

The Young Scholars Award includes a ceremonial recognition of the scholar at a special University occasion, a cash award and an honorary plaque, which is presented at a special fall function.

All nominations, through departmental chairpersons, or deans or directors, should be submitted to the Secretary, Francis Alison Society, Room 306, Robinson Hall before July 1.