Memorial ceremony on The Green set May 20

5:21 p.m., May 17, 2007--The annual state of Delaware Memorial Ceremony will be held at 1 p.m., Sunday, May 20, on The Green on the north side of Memorial Hall, as part of Armed Forces Weekend in Newark.

The 61st New York Infantry Regiment, camped at White Clay Creek State Park for the weekend, and the Fifes & Drums of the Delaware Militia will demonstrate Civil War-era drills. The memorial ceremony also will include flags and the playing of taps. Maj. Thomas E. Kelly, U.S. Marine Corps retired, will read the names of Delawareans who have died in service to their country. Maj. Gen. Francis Vavala, state adjutant general, Delaware National Guard, will present a wreath on behalf of the state.

At 2 p.m. the annual parade will begin with participants traveling from South College Avenue to Main Street and continue east on Main Street to south on Chapel Street and west on Delaware Avenue to Academy Street.

Participants will include the 287th Army Band, Delaware National Guard, 16th Ordnance Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground and Dover Air Force Base. Veteran's organization planning to participate include Veterans of Foreign Wars, Korean War Veterans, American Legion, Vietnam Veterans and more. Boy and Girl Scouts troops, fire companies and bands from Newark High School, Salesianum High School and the Delaware Military Academy Bands are scheduled to march.

After the parade a city memorial ceremony will take place at the corner of Main and Academy streets. It will include a drill by students from the Delaware Military Academy.

Those planning to attend any of the events can also visit the Civil War re-enactors at the state park on Route 896 north of Newark on Friday and Saturday during normal park hours. Park fees will be in effect.