Employees’ Bright Ideas help improve campus life
The four employees recognized for submitting Bright Ideas to improve campus life are (from left): Cathlene Kinney, Richard Duggan, Donna Perna and Tamara Salzbrenner.
9:39 a.m., May 11, 2007--Four UD employees were recognized for their Bright Ideas to improve campus life and efficiency at the Excellence in Service and Bright Ideas awards luncheon, on Thursday, May 10, at the Blue & Gold Club. The winners will receive Bright Idea T-shirts, $100 awards and certificates of recognition from UD's Office of Human Resources.

This year's recipients of Bright Idea Awards were Richard Duggan, campus information technology associate IV in the College of Arts and Sciences; Cathlene T. Kinney, senior administrative assistant in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Donna Perna, staff assistant in Professional and Continuing Studies--UD Online; and Tamara Salzbrenner, assistant to the chairperson in the Department of Individual and Family Studies.

Duggan's suggestion involves a document storage database for the ProCard management system so that when transactions are reconciled, a copy of the supporting invoice or other documents can be uploaded and linked to each charge. “By doing this, we can eliminate paper invoices, and faculty and staff can easily see how much money is in their accounts and what the money has been spent for,” Duggan said.

Kinney wrote, “I would like to see a 'Print this article' button on UDaily to make obtaining important stories a lot easier.”

Perna's suggested that it be mandatory for both matriculating and distance-learning students to update their records at the time of registration online using the new UDSIS program. “If personal information isn't available for students, then we can't contact them when we need to,” Perna said.

Salzbrenner suggested that after a “Sabbatical Leave Request” form is approved for a faculty member that a copy be sent to his or her HR Liaison's mailbox, as an automatic “tickler” to process JED (Job Employment Data).

Salzbrenner's and Kinney's ideas have already been activated and implementation of Perna's and Duggans suggestions is underway, according to Richie Holland, manager of human resources and affirmative action.

The selection committee included Maxine Colm, vice president for administration; Holland; Scott Eatough, associate director of the Intercollegiate Athletics Program; Margrit Hadden, administrative assistant in Professional and Continuing Studies; and Maria Mullin, manager, IT Management Information Services

It's easy to submit Bright Ideas. Go to [www.brightideas.udel.edu] or click on the Bright Ideas link on UDaily [www.udel.edu/udaily].

The recipients of the Excellence in Service Awards were also honored at the luncheon.

Article by Sue Moncure
Photo by Kathy Atkinson