Fitness fun reigns at College School, Lab Preschool
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3:37 p.m., May 7, 2007--Kids from UD's College School and Laboratory Preschool enjoyed a fun-filled day of outdoor activities on ACES Day, May 2. Classes were suspended for the day, and families were invited to take part in the event.

ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously) Day is a national movement that is held on the first Wednesday in May in conjunction with National Physical Fitness and Sports Month and National Physical Education Week. It is a day for all children around the world to exercise at the same time to promote physical activity.

Tara Sutton, master teacher in the Laboratory Preschool's 2- and 3-year-old classroom, said that the event is aimed at advancing the physical development goals of children 2 through kindergarten age. The kids played with Hula Hooops, ran obstacle courses, participated in yoga and karate, had their faces painted and engaged in healthy eating. They even learned how to make their own orange juice.

“These activities help families to see what they can do at home, even if it's blowing bubbles and having the kids chase them; it's better than having them watching TV,” Sutton said.

Down the street on Academy Field, first- through eighth-graders from the College School joined in the ACES Day physical activity and fun. Volunteers from UD athletic teams--including UD men's and women's soccer, softball, club ultimate disc, UD track and field and UD field hockey--came to help run the day's events.

Debbie Seador, a teacher at the College School, said the event started with stretches and a rousing game of tag.

Kids were busy playing field hockey, soccer, baseball, and other games at various stations, rotating at 10-minute intervals. Parents provided water and healthy snacks for the kids, and Italian water ice were served up at the end of the day.

Article by Lauren Steinhorn, AS '07
Photos by Sarah Simon