Web of Science summer workshops scheduled

11:36 a.m., June 5, 2007--The University of Delaware Library will host two workshops featuring the Web of Science from 10-11 a.m., Tuesday, June 12, and from 10-11 a.m., Tuesday, July 10.

Web of Science is a library database that allows users to see how often particular articles or books have been cited and provides access to cross-disciplinary research. The workshop will cover research techniques to analyze the citation history of articles and also will cover ways to use Article Express, the document retrieval system that works in conjunction with Web of Science.

There is no charge for the workshops, but registration is required, and seats are limited.

To register, please go to [http://www2.lib.udel.edu/usered/classes/current.htm].

For more information, e-mail [lib-workshops@udel.edu] or call (302) 831-6949.