Survey to assess after-school needs of children with disabilities

3:23 p.m., June 1, 2007--An online survey for parents of children with disabilities has been posted by the University of Delaware's Center for Disabilities Studies to assess how after-school and summer programs meet their children's needs.

The survey gives Delaware families a chance to describe what they are looking for in after-school and summer programming. It can be accessed in English or Spanish at

Parents also can participate by mail or phone by contacting the Early Childhood Initiatives Office at [] or (302) 831-3633. Spanish-speaking participants may call (302) 831-2053.

“The hours after school are a critical time for youth. They can provide opportunities to learn and grow or be a time of health and safety risk,” a spokesperson for the center said. “Families of school-aged children with disabilities face a challenge in accessing after-school and summer programs for their children.”

Delaware families are encouraged to complete the survey to tell organizers of programs what their needs are for after-school and summer programming. The survey asks about the type of activities families want, how often a child would attend a program and other qualities desired. Older youth with disabilities may want to complete the survey on their own to let their needs be known. The anonymous survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

The center is working with families and providers to identify components of quality, inclusive after-school programs in Delaware. It is hoped the survey results will assist Delaware after-school programs in serving more children with disabilities (ages 6-21) and their families. Several councils and taskforces, including the Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council, are looking at after-school needs for children with disabilities and developing strategies for meeting the needs.

For more information, contact the Early Childhood Initiatives Office at the Center for Disabilities Studies at (302) 831-3633 or [eci-cds@udel. edu].