Artworks of 3 UD MFA students on view at DCCA

11:59 a.m., June 12, 2007--Works by three UD master of fine arts candidates--Ronald J. Longsdorf of Greensburg, Pa.; Kyla Zoe Luedtke of Newark; and Theresa Mikulan, of Amherst, Ohio--are included the Biennial Master of Fine Arts Exhibit on view through Sept. 9 at in the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts (DCCA) at 200 South Madison St., Wilmington.

The exhibition, which includes work from 35 students pursuing master of fine arts degrees at universities and colleges throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions, is in the Carole Biefer and Marc Ham Gallery at the DCCA.

Juried by DCCA's curatorial staff, the show reflects a wide range of work in various media being produced in contemporary master of fine arts programs.

For more information on gallery hours, the show, or directions to the DCCA on Wilmington's Waterfront, call (302) 656-6466, ext. 7110.