Student receives physics leadership award
Steven Anton
11:38 a.m., June 1, 2007--Steven Anton, a senior physics major from Wilmington, is the recipient of a 2006-07 Society of Physics Students Leadership Award.

The Society of Physics Students (SPS), an organization of the American Institute of Physics, is a professional association explicitly designed for students. Membership, through collegiate chapters, is open to anyone interested in physics.

In a letter to Anton announcing the $2,000 award, Gary White, SPS director, said, “You were selected from a group of exceptional applicants and are to be commended on your outstanding academic performance and high level of SPS activity.”

Anton, who plans to pursue graduate studies in physics at the University of California at Berkeley after graduating from UD, currently serves as the president of the SPS chapter at UD. He previously served as the chapter's historian.

“I have organized some trips this year, including one to the government lab at the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (in Gaithersburg, Md.), where I did a summer internship, and to the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (in Laurel, Md.),” Anton said. “I am very grateful to have been involved in SPS and to have been able to meet others who are so passionate and motivated about physics.”

SPS features its 2007 scholarship winners on its web site at [] and plans to include them in an upcoming article in the SPS Observer newsletter or in Radiations magazine.