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UD's United Way campaign tops $173,000

John A. (Drew) Langloh, president of the United Way of Delaware

3:09 p.m., Jan. 25, 2007--UD wrapped up its 2006 United Way fundraising campaign, Tuesday, Jan. 23, with a reception at the Center for the Arts where UD President David P. Roselle thanked the more than 800 employees who donated to the campaign and the 111 solicitors who helped facilitate their donations.

“Our community has responded to the need and donated generously to the United Way, and our thanks go out to all of our solicitors,” Roselle said.

He told the gathering that “we're still a bit short of our $175,000 goal, but pledges are still coming in, and I have no doubt we'll exceed that goal.”

Pledges tallied as of Jan. 23 were slightly more than $173,000, Richie Holland, manager of human resources and affirmative action and UD campaign chairperson, said.

“I'm always amazed by the generosity of our employees. Despite their record of service throughout the year and their willingness to help during major disasters, they still find the resources to come through for Delawareans in need,” Holland said.

John A. (Drew) Langloh, president of the United Way of Delaware, was on hand to personally thank UD and its employees.

Langloh told them that there's been an increase in poverty and a rise in the number of teenagers who need services in the United States. “We're seeing more families financially stressed and needing help with basic necessities than ever before, and for them, its as though they are standing in the winds of a hurricane,” he said. “The work that you've done here [at UD] is no different than if you had been helping in New Orleans at a levee or a soup kitchen handing out food. On behalf of the United Way of Delaware and the people we serve, I want to say thank you for offering them a helping hand.”

Then Roselle announced winners of the incentive prizes with the grand prize--a tour of Delaware museums with dinner at the restaurant of their choice and limousine service--going to Michael Fernbacher, a coordinator in the Office of Judicial Affairs.

The entire list of incentive-prize-winners can be found online at [www.udel.edu/hr/UDunitedway/winners.html].

Article by Barbara Garrison
Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson

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