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Finding safe alternatives for spring break

2:44 p.m., Feb. 23, 2007--As the snow and ice begin to melt, students already may be thinking about how they will spend their spring break. But in the excitement of planning beach activities in exotic locations, important safety and travel details can be overlooked.

Marilyn Prime, director of Student Centers, said parents and students should be aware that the University does not sponsor or promote spring break trips. “If students are interested and ask about spring-break options, they are advised to go to UD Travel located in the Trabant University Center,” Prime said. “Professional travel consultants can provide students with legitimate and safe travel arrangements.”

Prime said students should be wary of those on campus who solicit for vendors trying to fill spring break hotels. “These students receive free trips if they sign up a certain number of participants,” Prime said. “Arrangements can be shaky at best, and usually there is no one to guarantee or provide oversight of the travel and room reservations.”

Prime said these trips can prove to be more hassle than students and families have bargained for. “Just beware that these perceived vacation 'deals' may cost the student and parents more in the long run,” she said.

For students who are interested in community service, Prime said there are a number of service-related student organizations, such as Habitat for Humanity, which students can join for spring break. For more information, visit [www.udel.edu/RSO/].

Students also can contact the Student Centers' Student Activities
Office for information on community-service groups. For more information, visit [www.udel.edu/student-centers/].

For more information on volunteering, visit [www.udel.edu/CSC/volunteerpage.html].

UD Travel offers a variety of vacation packages, including cruises and European tours, for spring break and all year-round. For more information on UD Travel, call (302) 831-2900 or visit [www.udel.edu/procurement/travel/uts/].

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